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  • Op-ed: Ontario’s health care crisis is worse for the trans community

    Hospitals and health experts across Ontario are calling out a health crisis that’s steadily getting worse. From geriatric to paediatric care, the future and quality...
    The Trans march at Toronto Pride, June 24, 2022.
  • Op-ed: Kristyn Wong-Tam on the high cost of heritage preservation

    Matthew Cornett As bulldozers and backhoes scraped away a part of Ontario's heritage in the West Don Lands in January, a judge stepped in to...
    A photo of the Foundry buildings in Toronto
  • Coronavirus: The case for a universal basic income becomes clearer

    Canada is facing an unemployment crisis unlike any we’ve seen before. Residents across the country are wondering how they are going to pay their rent...
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  • The Trumping of Toronto politics: how I became the target of an alt-right slander campaign

    Politics can be a rough business. I know. I have worked on more than a dozen campaigns and won election to city council. I thought...
  • Kristyn Wong-Tam on why it’s time for Pride to get back to its roots

    Pride Toronto’s decision to welcome police back into the 2019 parade has once again focused attention on police discrimination, accountability and the function of Pride...
  • Love letter to my community

    The year is 1987, and i'm sitting on the steps outside the old Second Cup coffee shop at Church and Wellesley with a gaggle of...