

Sarah Newton, Green Party

What separates you from the other candidates in your riding?

My perspective is more all-encompassing.

What is the defining issue in your riding this election?

There are so many interesting issues on the minds of Parkdale-High Park constituents. I’d like to pool a little ball of Federal tax dough together for most of our causes and to fix up swift and long term solutions. Parkdale-High Park residents are interested in animal protection and architectural readjustment, they are willing to work for a thriving transportation system as long as there are avenues for arts and other hobbies available to us. Therefore the defining issue for me is whether or not my riding has access to resources, debate halls, Parliamentary liberties and Scientific realities. Though classic Canadian traditions may be called to give way to the higher international codes of conduct, we as a country of entitled neighbourhoods participate to the best of our integrity. Part of our privilege is building our country and the other half in sharing our wealth with other spiritually wealthy cultures. There is a disconnect occurring among Parliamentarians merely because we are emerging from a political culture based on attack ads and undermining principles. Will we reveal the inner interests of a people who inwardly truly wish to looking at the larger scale impacts of developing the Green rail corridor and other projects? I hope so, now that we can see each other as civil co-conspirators in lusciousness.

Do you believe the relationship between municipalities and the federal government needs to be redefined, and if so, how?

The Federal government, with its concentration of power in the Prime Minister, has done an adequate job of holding our ground internationally in recent decades but Harper and to a lesser degree Ignatieff have taken the notion of concentration of power to an irrational level. A global concentration of power would essentially make of all humanity one lonely entity obliged under law. None the less, what will all of its fabulous micro cosoms persue is still the underlying question asked by a undeniably unified global community.

Federal money is to be spent by those like us who act locally but who are willing to vote and support with tax dollars (aka work hours) the mechanisms of manifestation that are possible in an umbrella infrastructure that provides good perspective, news and know-how. Many times, we have mustered only an intolerably uneasy peace between people across the GTA and around parts of the world as a security structure loosely held in place a insisted civility as we got to prove our own instinct to trust those we became engaged with. Like Elizabeth May, I beleive this occured because of malisciousness in partisanship and that now we have a hope of the recovery of the sustained and flourishing creative part of civic relationship. To honour these apparencies that I believe true, I’d like which ever partisan group takes the treasury and ethics code on, remember that we all pay into this privilege together and our government originated so that we can maximize the yields of creative partnership.

Vote Green and there will be a gesture in the house toward committing to the best Green ideas out there inclusively and funded sustainably.

Which of your party’s policies would make the biggest impact on Torontonians’ lives?

I love the Green rail corridor project and I am willing to ensure fair work hours and heavy benefits for those willing to develop this prestigious Canadian design. I also love the idea of engaging in research for the solar power systems that Robert F Kennedy Jr advocates. If the inevitable seems true and we have joined forces with Americans to serve our continents glorious energy need, I advocate the technology that zeros the cost of grid power and puts that money back in all shapes and sizes of communities again. I’d like to see that revitalize the arts and alter the heath care institution to become one based on self care by supporting exploratory institutions and creating agriculturally with soil and mineral, even music sciences, an abundance of chemical free, organic options.

Harper Conservatives have not hijacked a fine traditional group of the intentional perspectives of once participating citizens. He is the crook in a ladder of a needed caution, a subtle malaise per chance not to choose the really ugly options and during his time, he did a fine job as did the ones since Trudeau before him in concentrating spending power in centralized and unaccountable ways.

Tell us something flattering about your main rival in this campaign.

Peggy Nash and Gerrard Kennedy, the elegant echo of the good work of Sheri Di Novo?! I am in bliss, these people treat government with relevance and share that wealth with integrity. No wonder the idea of working with them makes me want to get saturated in wholesome and open-ended building.


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