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  • Facadism: the good, the bad and the ugly

    Architecture is one of those professions that everyone fancies him or herself an expert on, so test yourself. Check out these examples of facadism (visit...
  • Will facadism ruin Yonge Street?

    On March 9, city council voted to designate Yonge Street between Carlton/College and Bloor a Heritage Conservation District in order to provide “increased protection for...
  • Waverly Goodbye

    Eleven years before she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, 19-year-old Amelia Earhart was a nurse's aid at the Spadina Military...
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  • Sam Mizrahi launches The One

    I have attended many community development meetings, in libraries, church basements, school cafeterias and gymnasiums. Most were raucous affairs, more like kangaroo courts than sober...