
Album reviews Music

Nickelback – Here And Now

Rating: NN

Maybe Nickelback fans are right: the rest of us hate the band because we’re jealous.

While cool, critically approved bands struggle to reinvent themselves each album and keep up with the trends, Nickelback sell a bazillion records and fill stadiums by making the same record over and over. Their radio-friendly post-grunge sound hasn’t been fashionable for well over a decade, but they wear that as a badge of honour, spinning it as proof of their authenticity.

In the Nickelback world, it’s a good thing that critics love to spit venom at them.

To the legions of haters, the band’s continued success is a painful reminder that much of the world is happy with derivative meat-and-potatoes, hard rock songs about beer, girls, partying and more beer. For every person who uses the word “bro” as an insult, there are another four who think it’s a compliment. Here And Now reinforces all the reasons so many people hate Nickelback, but those exactly the same things that make fans pump their fists in the air.

Top track: This Means War


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