

Daily Tipsheet: Friday, No 12


DJ Shadow The acclaimed instrumental hip-hop producer brings his technologically innovative DJ tour to the Phoenix tonight. See listing.

Robyn It seems a little bonkers to put out a three-part album over a year in separate instalments, but it appears to have paid off for Robyn, who’s playing a sold out show tonight at Sound Academy. See listing.


Canada and the Making of the Bomb Launch of the new book, The Highway of the Atom features readings by the author Peter van Wyck. By the use of fragments, van Wyck attempts to piece together the elusive story of Canada’s role in the Manhattan Project. 8 pm. Free. Of Swallows, Their Deeds and the Winter Below See listing.

Voice of Women for Peace Weekend conference kicks off with a gala dinner celebrating the anti-war group’s 50th anniversary with keynote by Cora Weiss, president of the Hague Appeal for Peace and special guetss UNESCO Ambassador Kim Phuc, Echo Choir and others. $75/25 Hart House, See listings.

Prepare to “welcome” Tony Blair Toronto Coalition to Stop the War hosts a banner-painting event, all the better to greet former British PM Tony Blair, a key backer of George W. Bush’s war in Iraq. Blair comes to town November 26 for a religious show-down with writer Christopher Hitchens. Banner making, 5:30. Free. Trinity St Paul’s Centre. See listing.


Jaws Stephen Spielberg’s classic plays the TIFF Bell Lightbox. See Listings. For an appreciation and an argument for why you must go, see this article.

127 Hours Danny Boyle’s follow-up to his Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire opens today. See Listings at See listings. See interview with Mr. Boyle here. See review at here.

Down Terrace You may not have heard about Ben Wheatley’s British drama, opening today, but that means it could be the sleeper hit of the year. See listings. See Q&A here. And see review here


Grant Lawrence The BC writer launches his memoir Adventures In Solitude with performances by Jill Barber and Matthew Barber. See listings.


A Raisin In The Sun Lorraine Hansberry’s play about a black American family in the 50s gets a first-class remount by Soulpepper. See a review of the current production here and listing here.

Wide Awake Hearts Fiction and reality blur, intentionally, in Brendan Gall’s play about a movie whose action eerily mirrors the lives of those filming it. See preview here and listing here.


Derek Liddington The artist’s theatrical installation Coup De Grace, exploring role playing and working-class culture, opens with a performance involving two duelling pianists dressed as “Victorian Springsteen dandies” who repeatedly play faster and faster versions of Born To Run. At Clark & Faria. See listings.


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