

Pierre Poilievre calls out safe injection site poster in Toronto

FILE - Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre arrives to media conference in Toronto, Thursday, July 20, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston - Ginny Roth/ Twitter

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre is calling out a safe injection site in Toronto following a poster asking people to swap their needles for chocolate.  

An image of the poster was shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, and was seen outside of a safe injection site in Leslieville. The poster  calls on individuals to trade in full containers of sharps for a chocolate bar.

“If you live in Leslieville and you’re concerned about your kids picking up needles that surround the drug consumption site, you don’t have to worry. In fact, if your kids collect enough they can trade them in for chocolate!” one mother wrote.

Poilievre followed up with concerns of his own.

“This is an actual sign from a drug consumption site in Toronto,” he tweeted Monday. “What is happening in Canada?”

READ MORE: Pierre Poilievre is adamant the country is ‘broken’ and Canadians have mixed opinions

“Not only are the Trudeau Liberals making drugs more easily accessible to vulnerable adults, they’re risking the safety of children. ENOUGH,” the Conservative Party account said, chiming in on the drama. 

However, one resident was quick to jump in and share that the poster was meant to be for the adults who are using drugs, not the general public.

Additionally, they say the message was meant to “encourage them to recycle them (sharps) properly and in the correct place.”

“Poorly written, not well thought out – but its message isn’t for children and highly doubt the staff would take them. And what parent would let their kid participate?” they continued.

The original post has gathered more than 600,000 views in just a few days with many expressing their concerns and others believing it’s all being blown out of proportion.


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