

Pierre Poilievre seemingly cracks a smile after heckler was thrown around like a rag doll at a Conservative rally. Many Canadians are unimpressed

The video, posted to X over the weekend, shows a man getting pushed around all while being held by his jacket collar. (Courtesy: Crier Media - @duffduck2/X)

A video is making the rounds online in which a protester got dragged and dropped at a Conservative Party rally, seemingly leaving CP leader Pierre Poilievre amused. 

The video, posted to X over the weekend, shows a man getting pushed around all while being held by his jacket collar. 

READ MORE: Justin Trudeau called out Pierre Poilievre’s ‘ignorant’ behaviour and said he wants to take Canada backwards

“Just had a Palestinian protester thrown out of the rally, right in front of me,” the caption of the video read.

At one point the man fell to the ground, although it’s unclear if he was pushed or not. 

In a separate video posted by Crier Media, we get the point of view from the stage Poilievre was standing on where he appeared to crack a smile at the commotion unfolding below him.

“The Liberals are getting desperate today, aren’t they? They’re very desperate!” he said.

Users were quick to compare Poilievre to Donald Trump in the way that the hecker was treated.

“Poilievre is looking more like Skinny Trump every day. We don’t need the hate cult that is MAGA in Canada. #PierrePoilievre #MapleMAGA,” one user wrote.

“Omg! Could Poilievre’s rage-fests be anymore Trump-like. Sickening. Absolutely sickening,” another user said

Coincidentally also over the weekend, Trump was faced with a heckler in which he ordered the person to be “thrown out.” 

However, unlike this specific Canadian rally, police escorted the heckler out. 

Now Toronto reached out to Poilievre’s office and did not hear back in time for publication. 


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