

Toronto to be hit with a wave of unusually hot weather this week

Toronto weather
The average high for this time of year is about 20 C but weather systems moving in from the U.S are causing a spike in temperatures. (Courtesy: Canva)

Toronto is set for a bout of unseasonably hot weather this week before it settles into usual temperatures over the weekend.

Environment Canada is forecasting a high of 27 C on Tuesday with temperatures feeling like 35 with humidity, and a nighttime low of 20 C. 

The average high for this time of year in Toronto is 19.9 C, the highest temperature on record in the city for May 21 is 32.2°C which was reported in 1941.

The heat wave is expected to continue through Wednesday with a high of 27 C, feeling more like 30 with the humidity, with a low of 16 C.

The average high for this time of year is about 20 C but weather systems moving in from the U.S are causing a spike in temperatures.

“A persistent flow of southerly winds from the U.S, and humidity from the Gulf of Mexico have contributed to the warmer than normal conditions currently in Toronto,” Trudy Kidd, warning preparedness meteorologist with Environment Canada, told Now Toronto on Tuesday. 

Toronto has been sitting under a stagnant air mass and once there is a shift of winds in a northerly direction the cooler weather should follow, Kidd explained.

It’s also common to see fluctuations in weather this time of year,  “we’re not looking at record-breaking temperatures this week,” Kidd continued, before reminding people to stay cool, wear hats, and drink plenty of fluids. 

Toronto should also brace for the possibility of thunderstorms on Tuesday and Wednesday, the weather agency says.

A slightly cooler high of 24 C is forecast for Thursday, before a return to seasonal temperatures over the weekend.

Friday will be sunny with a high 18 C and a low of 10 C. Saturday will see a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 22 C and a nighttime low of 13 C. 

Cloudy conditions with a high of 21 C are expected on Sunday. 


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