

It’s a really good deal

For only $50 you can get into all the festival’s club gigs and film screenings. There are plenty of other packages, too, for those who want more (or less) action.

Wristbands vs cover charges You can get into any NXNE show by paying at the door, but if you’re planning to hit more than one you’re better off picking up a wristband or pass (unless, of course, you’re opposed to saving money). Buy them at, NOW’s offices (189 Church) and a variety of record stores and partners all over the city. (Check for the full list.) The big outdoor all-ages shows at Yonge-Dundas Square are free. (See cover story, page 46.)

Full Festival Wristband This $50 wristband, the most popular option, gets you into all the club gigs and film screenings. Plus, you get in before single-admission buyers.

Priority Pass For $250 (student $125), you get into all the club shows and film screenings and the afternoon NXNE Interactive panels. Even more exciting is being able to cut to the front of the line at busier showcases.

One-Day Wristband If you’re only in town for one night, the $25 1-Day Wristband gives you the powers of the Full Festival pass for a single day of your choosing.

Film Festival Wristband Some people like films about music but don’t like going to gigs. The $25 Film Festival Wristband was invented for them.

Interactive If you want to hit the conference but avoid the gigs, the $349 (student $125) Interactive pass will do the trick.

Workshop If you only want to hit a single workshop, tickets are $179 (student $109).

Interactive + Workshop As you might have guessed from the name, this $449 (student $199) package gets you into the conference and one workshop of your choice.

Combos For the full NXNE experience, get a combo package. The $449 (student $199) Duo Combo gives you the powers of the Priority Pass but also gets you into the morning Interactive sessions. For $549 (student $275) the Mundo Combo goes one step further, allowing you to check out one workshop as well as the rest of the festival and conference.


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